Wholesale Information
In 2023, we launched our brand new Health Canada approved Tick Attack™ Botanical Insect Repellent. We are gearing up for an exciting and adventurous 2024, and we are so glad to have you onboard! We are excited to work with you and want to ensure that you know everything you need to know about our products in order to sell them successfully and provide optimal customer service.
AtlanTick is a proudly Canadian, indigenous women-owned and operated outdoor and tick-safety product manufacturing company. Rooted in science, innovation and evidence-based product development, AtlanTick offers a line of tick-bite prevention tools developed in partnership with Acadia University and international scientific experts. At AtlanTick, it is our mission to offer safe, natural, effective solutions to help keep people and animals safe from tick bites and the array of debilitating diseases they can spread. Our products are highly effective, environmentally safe, and will not break down plastics used in work and safety tools and fabrics, or camping gear.
We have not increased our pricing since 2018, in part because we know how much the pandemic has caused us all to dig deep to keep our businesses moving forward. Our supply chain and research and development costs have continued to increase, so in 2023 there was an increase of 5% on all products. All costs are in $CAD and GST/PST/HST is not included.
Click here to view our full brochure.
To access our pricing and online order form please click here or you can email us at orders@atlantick.ca for more information.

Informations sur la vente en gros 2023